Bundle and deliver your product as installable

Standardize installs and scale day 2 operations

Simplify cloud app installs across teams and orgs

Application infrastructure to grow your revenue

Monetize software and infrastructure, effortlessly

Descriptive app installs, no more guessing

Shift operational expertise to developers

Self-service app installs, no vendor lock-in

Cloud Apps platform designed for everyone

Use the thousands of existing cloud-native apps, built on open standards, simplify app installs, enable team sharing, monetization, and private cloud creation. Reach users, developers, and providers.
logo horizCreated with Sketch.
Modular and self-hosted

A fully integrated platform for cloud native applications

Reduce costs, grow revenue, go to market faster, and run your business more efficiently with your own fully integratable cloud-native application platform. Use CNAP to handle all the interactions between developers of cloud-native apps, providers who provide the necessary infrastructure, and users who want to install and use these apps.

Overview - Cloud Native Application Platform Cloud NativeApp BundlesAppAppAppCloud / KubernetesTools /MonitoringSSOSolutionBilling MeterStripe ConnectInstallationsInstallationsInstallations:)Installations:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)Cloud Native App PlatformApp UsersDevelopersProviders
Target Audience

App Users



Made for modern product teams

CNAP is designed to help you deliver your software to people. It's a platform that allows your users to install via self-service your existing bundles that can contain all the tools you are familiar with like Kustomize, Helm, Terraform, Pulumi, or really anything. Deliver installations of your product or whole stacks on-prem Kubernetes clusters, customer's infrastructure, public clouds, fly.io, Vercel, Cloudflare, or really anywhere.

  • Deliver your software to people
  • No need to solve infrastructure
  • Benefit from existing providers infra
  • Self-service installs for your users
  • Single bundle containing all artifacts
  • Build a custom UI on top of CNAP
  • Use all the tools you already know
Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB) HelmKustomizePulumiTerraformCustomActions...


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